Statistics generated with VISITORS Web Log Analyzer version 0.4a
General information
Information about analyzed log files
Generated: Tue Mar 1 16:00:15 2005
Number of entries processed 0
Number of invalid entries 0
Processing time in seconds 0
Generated reports
Click on the report name you want to see
Number of reports generated 17
Unique visitors in each day
Multiple hits with the same IP, user agent and access day, are considered a single visit
Number of unique visitors 0
Different days in logfile 0
Unique visitors from Google in each day
The red part of the bar expresses the percentage of visits originated from Google
Number of unique visitors 0
Number of unique visitors from google 0
Different days in logfile 0
Weekday-Hour combined map
Brighter means higher level of hits
Hour with max traffic starting at Mo 00:00 with hits 0
Hour with min traffic starting at Mo 00:00 with hits 0
Pageviews per visit
Number of pages requested per visit
Only extensions like .html, .htm, .php, .asp, ..., are counted. Reported ranges: 0
Requested pages
Page requests ordered by hits
Different pages requested 0
Requested images and CSS
Images and CSS requests ordered by hits
Different images and CSS requested 0
Referers ordered by hits (referers from google excluded)
Different referers 0
Referers by age
Referers ordered by age, newer on top (referers from google excluded)
Different referers 0
User agents
The entire user agent string ordered by hits
Different agents 0
Operating Systems
Operating Systems by hits
Different operating systems listed 0
Browsers used by hits
Different browsers listed 0
404 Errors
Requests for missing documents
Different missing documents requested 0
Top Level Domains sorted by hits
Total number of Top Level Domains 0
Googled pages
Pages accessed by the Google crawler, last access reported
Number of pages googled 0
Google Keyphrases
Keyphrases used in google searches ordered by hits
Total number of keyphrases 0
Weekdays distribution
Percentage of hits in every day of the week
Mo   0 (0.0%)
Tu   0 (0.0%)
We   0 (0.0%)
Th   0 (0.0%)
Fr   0 (0.0%)
Sa   0 (0.0%)
Su   0 (0.0%)
Hours distribution
Percentage of hits in every hour of the day
00   0 (0.0%)
01   0 (0.0%)
02   0 (0.0%)
03   0 (0.0%)
04   0 (0.0%)
05   0 (0.0%)
06   0 (0.0%)
07   0 (0.0%)
08   0 (0.0%)
09   0 (0.0%)
10   0 (0.0%)
11   0 (0.0%)
12   0 (0.0%)
13   0 (0.0%)
14   0 (0.0%)
15   0 (0.0%)
16   0 (0.0%)
17   0 (0.0%)
18   0 (0.0%)
19   0 (0.0%)
20   0 (0.0%)
21   0 (0.0%)
22   0 (0.0%)
23   0 (0.0%)
Statistics generated with VISITORS Web Log Analyzer version 0.4a